Thursday, 18 October 2007

In hot water

After our adventures in Northland, we went to stay at Warwick's and Clare's (Ness's parents) lovely beachhouse in Tairua - in the Coromandel. Lovely place, lovely views, and great to feel like proper adults in a proper house rather than bums, sleeping in a car. The views out the back were amazing, and on the second day we were treated to another beautiful rainbow - about the fifth we've seen in NZ.

Tairua was the perfect place for a few daytrips, so we took a short but brisk walk up Paku, an old volcano. Apparently this means we'll return again in 7 years - fine by us. Here's the views we saw. Pretty.

We also got ourselves into hot water, quite literally, on Hot Water Beach. For an hour or so either side of low tide, you can take advantage of the volcanic water bubbling under your feet, dig a hole in the sand, and make your own hot tub (how cool is that?!), so we hired ourselves a spade, dug a pool, and jumped on in.

It was tricky to find the right spot, as some were too cold, and others scalding hot, but we inherited a great little pool full of warm water (from some previous diggers) with a little stream of boiling water running into it, and a well of scalding water bubbling underneath. When it rained we just dug our bums in a bit deeper, tapped into the super hot bit, and re-heated our pool. Perfect!

We're leaving the comfort of the Shirlow/ Hutchinson bosom tomorrow morning (sob), for some extreme sport adventures in Rotorua. Thanks to Warwick and Clare for the use of their home and for their help planning our route around the Northland; Ness and Rob for being delightful and fattening us up with their amazing hospitality; Jacson for being completely nuts; and Carys for being lovely and smiling a lot. We'll truly miss you guys.


BTW, Ben just posted another blog post about 3 posts down, which he says people with an rss feed will see, but for those of us who aren't into that kind of thing, thought I'd give you the heads up to click here to read it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! I've finally had chance to read up on where you are and what you've been up to in my lunch break - which has been a lot. It looks like you are having an amazing time, I wish I was there. I'm loving the spaceship - very nice and what a beautiful rainbow!
I know where you are coming from on the 24 hour a day thing! Paul and I travelled Europe in a camper for 4 months (as you probably know) and we survived so you'll be fine.
Anyway, it's the end of my break now so back to work for me. Take care love Rachel xxx
p.s nice bikini shot by the way - hehe

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading and keeping up to date!!! Keep rocking in the free world!!!

Much love


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! what a great advert for anyone wanting to do this - I wish I was 30 years younger!!! We are keeping an eye on what you are up to and the pictures make it almost feel we're there - just arms lengths away!! Look after eachother and keep enjoying it
Love Judy xx