As you can see, a variety of styles are available to the modern Mexican gentleman:

I settled for a standard beard trim this time - my hair is still short enough for another couple of weeks:

Cost 35 pesos (2.3 EUR)
Cut quality 5/10
Fear factor 1/10
Comments: scrupulous attention to the hairline under the chin, but left my moustache untouched - must be the way the Mexicans like it.
Hey that's a close shave. Luckily he don't look like the demon barber of fleet street. Looks like you be enjoying "meh.he.ko":) gringo y gringita.
Hello to you both, i am being entertained a lot by your shenanigans. Keep it up. Ben, would you like to play a gig with us as Sporz in Wellington? Oct 27th. I am assuimng you have laptop etc. Lerrusknow yo! Senior Shirlow
Ben! Debs!!!
You guys have to tell me why Cuba wasn't as fun as expected.
Still looking forward to my trip there... tips? Tricks?
Have fun guys..!
PS: Debs - I love the newly aquired head band (and the tan!)
@SeƱor Shyboy: I´d love to play with you in Wellington, but I don´t have my laptop with me, and no way to get to my files... mebbe one man and his (borrowed) guitar...?
Fourth row down - I see a young General Zod (#1) and Ricky Gervais (#3).
Hugely enjoying all of this Ben, just back from the Green Man festival and wearing half a Welsh hillside. Much love to you both. Chris Herert xx.
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