Hey hey, it's our 100th blog post, and what better occasion to blog about than a wedding?
We were lucky that our trip to Australia coincided with Shelley and John's wedding. Some of you will remember them from Amsterdam - Shelley worked with Ben at Media Catalyst for a while, and John made us a weird lamp because he hated our other lovely one ;-)
We had hooked up with these two lovely people for an evening of garden-fresh spinach and wine in Melbourne (having randomly bumped into Shelley in the street in Fitzroy). That was in mid-December, and they were both remarkably relaxed and excited about their fortcoming nuptials.
Fast forward a few weeks and suddently we're in a car with the lovely Leonie and Ash, on the 5 hour drive from Sydney back down to Batlow, in the Snowy Mountains.
That there's apple country! The wedding was held at John's folks' orchard - a beautiful place to get hitched, and we have to say that the whole thing went off in great style. Both bride and groom looked stunning (John scrubs up nice! So nice, in fact, that we hardly recognised him), the ceremony was the perfect combination of personal, serious and touching, the food was excellent and the speeches were really terrific, all round. Good job!
Highlight of the day (apart from the above) was Ben turning into a dancing maniac in response to Erik's DJing. Debs was absolutely beside herself with laughter, and Leonie kept on saying "Amazing! Amazing!"
Yes, they were both being serious :-) If anyone has any pictures, we'd love to see them, cos unfortunately, Ben had the camera in his pocket throughout his disco workout.
Here's wishing a glorious and super marriage to the happy couple.
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