We won't forget you - during you, you special little year, we:
- Sold a car
- (Debs) Pranged a car
- Quit our jobs
- Let our flat
- (Ben) Bought and destroyed/lost 9 pairs of cheap sunglasses
- Walked up a glacier
- Stopped caring about how we look
- Got really, really bored of food
- (Debs) Fell in love with Pinatas
- Met a one-eyed man in Fiji
- Learned a bit of Spanish
- Acquired a few weird cyber-stalkers on Flickr - mostly to do with Ben's haircut pictures
- Discovered Art Brut
- Met up with a lot of old friends, a lot of new friends, and got to know some distant relatives
- Read dozens of books
- Saw crocodiles, dolphins, kiwis, and jellyfish (but no albatrosses or sharks yet)
- Bought a new camera
- (Debs) Got attacked by a mother duck
- Got bored of all the songs on our iPod/wiped and reloaded our iPod (x3)
- Learned to surf
- Realised that soap is a lot better than shower gel
- Also realised that cheap shampoo is just as good as expensive shampoo
- And while we're on the subject, most sun cream is way too greasy
- (Ben) Got a job offer
- Grew nostalgic about our life in Amsterdam/missed our friends and family back home
- Started this blog :-)
Ben and Debs
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