Thursday, 25 October 2007


We've decided our Cannon camera's too old and we need a new one. We'd like a compact, waterproof camera, with a good zoom (at lease 5x), SD memory, and about 7 ish megapixels at least. Our budget is about EUR 300. Anyone have any recommendations?


islandg*rl said...

I love my click and shoot IXUS 75..

Makes great pics and costs about 300 bucks.

have a look:

Ben and Debs said...

Merci! We used our negotiating skills to get an IXUS 850IS for NZD550, and made the guy throw in a case and some memory to boot. Cute camera!

islandg*rl said...

oh yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb's,
i would highly recommend the Panasonic TZ3. I used it on my travels and its really a great little camera, has all the functions of a SLR but can also be used as point and shoot. Fritz has also just bought it. Mike also has it. One of the best buys ever.

Enjoy your times.