Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Things of Laos

Lovely and not so lovely things of Lovely Laos, our fave place so far (even better than Fiji!):
  • Sticky rice - the Lao people eat about 500g of sticky rice each, for every meal, every day. And they still love it.
  • Beer Lao, so crisp, so delicious, so cheap!
  • Karaoke on the bus. Dreadful, dreadful karaoke.
  • Lao Lao ('whisky')
  • Stunned silence, followed by "What, don't you know how?", followed by giggles - The response we got from everyone when we said we'd been married for almost 5 years but have no children.
  • Bugs on sticks - They'll basically eat anything that moves.
  • "You buy one five thousand" - Sung by all the little girls, in exactly the same tune, when trying to sell trinkets to tourists.
  • Monks!

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